Book a skate party at Midlands Roller Arena


£15.00pp (minimum of 15

Includes: Exclusive use of the rink, Disco Lights & Skate Hire.

with Chips and unlimited squash

Party time: 1.5 hours
(Skate Time – 1 hr, Eat Time – 30 mins)

Please note; the cafe may be used for parties that are booked consecutively, this will still be private use.

Public skate &
meal deal

£10pp (+ £2 skate hire)

For smaller party groups, why not take advantage of our Skate and Meal deals which are always available during public skate sessions.

Please see Term or Holiday Session for times and booking.

(Please note the party room may be used if available) 


Find the answers to frequently asked questions here

We recommend you arrive at least 15 minutes earlier than your booked rink time so everyone can get their skates/pads on and be ready to skate at your exact time.

You have paid in advance for 15 skaters in your party. If you wish to add more, this can be done on the day.

You have the use of a private room, which seats approx 30.  You can decorate this should you wish to.

Your party have the choice of Nuggets, Pizza, Burger or Sausages. Food orders are taken on arrival for your party

We can usually cater for specific allergies given 2 weeks notice.

You are very welcome to bring a cake and candles – we can lend you a knife but ask you to bring your own napkins.

Although we can’t allow adults without skates on the rink during our public sessions, for private hire sessions, we do allow parents/helpers onto the rink to help children

Every skater is offered protective equipment (wrists, knees and elbow pads) to borrow and they can choose whether to use it or not.

If helmets are required please bring your own as we only have a limited supply.

We look forward to seeing you soon